Mika Laybourn har kreeret et career-scenarie hvor du kører et Bx-S-tog i myldretiden med 100% realistisk trafik (dog med enkelte undtagelser)
Download det her: [Bx] Myldretidstog Buddinge – Høje Taastrup
Det danske site om Train Simulator Classic
Mika Laybourn har kreeret et career-scenarie hvor du kører et Bx-S-tog i myldretiden med 100% realistisk trafik (dog med enkelte undtagelser)
Download det her: [Bx] Myldretidstog Buddinge – Høje Taastrup
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May I ask why all of these scenarios require extra payware apart from the Litra SA/SE?
I understand that the realism of having other trains drive is good but it makes these scenarios inaccessible to those who don’t want to dedicate money to spend on extra trains that they won’t even drive in these scenarios.
Hi Ethan
It is entirely up to the developer to choose which equipment is to be used, but if you want a realistic scenario with the S-train, then the Øresund train and DSB double-decker wagons are indispensable.